Gunaho ki nishaniyan or unkay Nuqsanat


Gunaho ki nishaniyan or unkay Nuqsanat


Category: Book

Age-group: 9-12 years

Availability: Available


Book Details

ISBN: 00-0020

Author: Imam ibn-e-Qeem-ul-joziah

Publisher: Daruliblagh publisher and distributors

Genre: Urdu


Gunaho ki Nishaniyan aur Unkay Nuqsanat by Imam ibn-e-Qeem-ul-Joziah is an insightful book published by Daruliblagh, aimed at children aged 9-12 years, written in Urdu. This book delves into the signs of sins and their detrimental effects on individuals and society. Through clear explanations and engaging narratives, it helps young readers understand the consequences of sinful behavior, encouraging them to reflect on their actions and cultivate a life aligned with Islamic teachings.

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