Imam Ibn-e-Taemea


Imam Ibn-e-Taemea


Category: Book

Age-group: 9-12 years

Availability: Available


Book Details

ISBN: 00-0024

Author: Usman Tufail

Publisher: Darussalam publisher and distributors

Genre: Urdu


Imam Ibn-e-Taemea by Usman Tufail is a captivating Islamic storybook published by Darussalam, designed for children aged 9-12 years and written in Urdu. This book tells the remarkable life story of Imam Ibn-e-Taemea, a prominent Islamic scholar and theologian known for his profound knowledge and contributions to Islamic thought. Through engaging narratives, it explores his teachings, struggles, and the enduring impact of his work, aiming to inspire young readers with lessons of faith, resilience, and scholarship.

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